“When you are willing to feel everything, you can do anything.”
-Peter Bregman
With each Lunation . . .
. . . we live the truth that we are cycles within cycles within cycles.
Let our judgments be the mirrors to our shadows. Allow our emotions to be the rivers to our soul truths. Have faith in intelligence of our beliefs. Allow new truths to guide us. Be the temples of our souls. Serve by simply existing. This is our legacy. This is what we came for.
Popular Readings
“I believe our words and stories serve as keys that open pathways to parts of us that lay in anticipation of our awareness and acceptance of them. As I write I discover hidden rooms that are rich with meaning. I would love to share these rooms, and the way to find them, with others.”
“There’s a river of birds in migration, a nation of humans with wings.”
We believe that sacred union is already embodied in each and every one of us. We are walking temples and living libraries. Our presence is our purpose and mission in life. Nothing more is required. All that remains is to act and be in accordance with our somatic truth to fully experience heaven on earth. This is not required but it is available any time.
When we cannot decipher our somatic truth, we feel confused and lack the confidence to make decisions. This creates imagined emotions. These imagined emotions separate us from our somatic truth. They are a product of our conditioned identity, an identity that we adopted to ensure we will receive conditional love from others and from ourselves. In order for us to love ourselves unconditionally, we allow ourselves to feel the sensation of all of our emotions as they eventually lead to our true somatic feelings. When we do this with compassion and acceptance and honoring, a bridge to the heart is cleared, and congruence is felt.
Congruence is Somatic Truth. Present. Clear. Connected. Any time.
the map is not the terrain . . .
“The path of Somatic Truth is always present, though we sometimes focus so much on the map that we miss the terrain of our lives. We are so quick to make meanings out of the circumstances of our life that we are not really truly present with it as we can be, and to the people we are connected to. Our conditioned responses, designed for efficiency, seperate us from the beauty and novelty of every person, place, and thing we encounter, diminishing it to a mere concept created by our past experiences. What if we could hack into our subconscious, clear the filters and truly see, hear, touch, and feel what it is to be fully alive, present, and connected? . . .”