Four of Cups

Has the shi(f)t hit the fan yet? If not, if it ever is going to, it will likely happen around Thursday. And this is no ordinary shi(f)t. This is the good stuff. The bad stuff. The deep down stuff that you have been managing and chilling and spiritualizing for years. Decades. Lifetimes maybe. 

This is a time for humble seeing. This is a time where our little baby antics wont get us what we want. And this is a time of great emotional maturing. Taking responsibility and seeing the bigger cycle reveal the other side of the coin. Some of this will feel like it's out of our control. If we nose deep into it though, we’ll be able to smell that this specific shi(f)t that is all over everything, is ours. 


And thank goodness. Take heart. This could feel like major shredding. Major shedding. Boundary taking. Line drawing. Decision making.  And if we don’t do it ourselves, someone will likely do it for us, but it’s still ours to see and deal with. 

We just want what is best. For us, for our kids, for everyone involved. 

Go in and listen deeply. Like the girl listening to the shell. 

You will find that all of this smattering is actually a great gift. It is the way to what is in the best and highest good. That shi(f)t had to come out and hit the fan sometime. There is no room for it where we are going. 

The Four of Cups can make us feel like we have a huge sad mess on our hands, so much so that we miss the gift of this chaotic shit storm. We will see it soon. Maybe not right away. Its going to take some rolled up sleeves and some elbow grease. The one thing that we can agree on is that you cant just leave it splattered all over the place. At least in this Virgo’s opinion. I may be wrong. I’ll let you know. Next week. 

Venus in Virgo will help, along with Jupiter moving direct in Scorpio. (Feels like the part of the reality tv show where the dynamic duo steps into the person’s messy world and reveals how it really is before they tear it all apart to rebuild. It will sparkle once they are done, but the process is pretty humbling for the individual.) 

So much love to you, fellow (you all have virgo somewhere in your chart) humans.