Initiate Balance
Initially we will be getting a very clear and real about our current life and what we have created so far. In order to do this we will be focusing on the Base Chakra, our root and connection to the Earth, our vital biological energy, the physical space of the body that you sit upon.
These videos and exercises were designed to get you grounded and realistic about your current situation, and to help you see blindspots that you may have not been aware of. We are investigating our IDENTITY, the roles we play, the rules for these roles, and how this shows up in our lives. So many amazing things will be uncovered, and perhaps a few things that we know could be even more extraordinary!
Our objective is to CELEBRATE the awareness of what is, not to be hard on ourselves, punish, or criticize. We have done enough of that in the past and are no longer desirous of being motivated in that way! The key to moving in to GRACE is to let our inspiration move us to higher energy states, no longer leveraging ourselves with pain to move to change! As we move forward, our entire relationship with LIFE will transform! Lets begin!
Let’s get into a beautiful spiritual state to begin. Use this meditative breathing technique several times a day, and whenever you feel some old patterns arising as you move through this framework. Your BREATH is the most balancing function of your entire system. Inhalation and exhalation, expansion and contraction, yang and yin. Our breath is so constant that we can take it for granted, but ironically without it we will die in only minutes. Breath is the first level of Intentional Grace.
Our mind is a SOLDIER in service to the HEART. In this video we are introduced to philosophical concepts that will begin shifting the way we think. Allow yourself to receive the new concepts as if they are flashlights for your awareness. Your mind, once attuned to these ideas, will search your life experiences for reference points to help you learn from everything that is currently happening. It is ALL happening FOR you. It always has been.
Once the searchlight of our mind is attuned, many emotions may surface!! These are the gold of our self discovery! Our emotions are the language of the body, the subconscious and the spirit. Allow yourself to feel, free from judgment and control. In this segment we not only feel, but capture the wisdom by journaling and drawing. Our emotional center is our creative center, and knowing this will begin our process of creating our dreams tangibly.
Now lets make it real
Tangible practices for the physical body to get a base line for what is and beginning to initiate more balance
Before answering the following questions, hold yourself accountable for completing all the other segments. We are at times tempted to simply skim and pass over these parts of our practice, but that is not how this process works. You are CREATING and that act alone requires your physical participation! Remember your WHY and allow yourself to be moved and pulled by spirit! Take some time this week to prioritize YOU. Activate your creative juices by doing the projects in the Get Emotional module, then submit the form below!