Maintain Trust
“Healing is basically the result of putting right our wrong relation to our body, to other people and . . . to our own complicated minds, with their emotions and instincts at war with one another and not properly understood and accepted by what we call “I” or “me.” the process is one of reorganization, reintegration of things which have come apart.”
From Psychiatrist Laurence J. Bendit in his Essay “The Spirit in Health and Disease”
After we become aware of what is real and take an inventory of what is working in our lives and what is not, we may be faced with a bit of denial or resistance, strive to intellectually understand our feelings surrounding these realizations, or distract from them so as not to have to actually experience the uncomfortable emotions that arise when we find something incongruent with our perception of our Identity.
In the past, these emotions and sensations in the body have caused us to create conscious and subconscious patterns in our thought and behaviors to help us cope with and change the feeling.
In this module we will come to awareness, acceptance and acknowledgment of these sensations, honoring them as a language, being with them so they feel heard and loved. These feelings are part of us. We learned from a very young age to intellectualize these feelings so as not to feel them. We learned that some feelings were not acceptable to express, because expression of these meant we would not have our vital needs met. We developed complex personalities and behaviors to manipulate our world so that we can avoid the “danger” of these emotions. NOW, in this process of coming to wholeness, we bring ourselves to our emotions, ready to see, hear, and feel them with love.
This process will allow us to trust ourselves more deeply, giving us access to deeper parts of our subconscious, building the muscles of self awareness, and growing the pathways that will maintain this connection.
As discomfort arises, use this Shamanic technique to clear the blocks within you keeping you from loving fully. Cleanse the energetic body with this self healing Illumination practice. Use the breathing technique you learned in part one to prepare your state, then move through the chakras feeling and clearing using the tools outlined in this video. You may use this every day as a self care practice, or when you sense yourself in a state of “stuck-ness” or resistance.
We all have 6 fundamental needs that we must meet no matter what. The way we meet them today, consciously or unconsciously, shapes the way we feel in our creative process of living. Lets bring more awareness to these needs on all levels.
Now its time to Get Creative! Use the emotions that rise to help you unlock your creative juices and channel them on to the pages in this section. Here you will begin to see your current VALUES, the weight of each on, and how they are creating your life and effecting the whole.
Now lets make it real
Actionable steps to get these teachings grounded and implemented in your life.
As we MAINTAIN TRUST in our body, we begin supporting its innate ability to function optimally naturally. In this section we outline lifestyle changes you may choose to initiate to help your body to cleanse, restore, and come to homeostasis. Choose the activities that you feel most called to implement this week and refer back to this segment to continue this process moving forward.
Before filling out the form below, hold yourself accountable for completing all of the segments above.