Sacred Service
What is the Change you desire to see in your life? You have been given flashlights to peak and condition your perception. What flashlights would you give yourself? Abundance? Shine your light on the places you are already abundant. Freedom? Illuminate and focus on all of the ways you are truly free. Love? Use your searchlight to see all of the love in your life that has always been there. As you have learned from this journey, whatever you choose to focus on, you will see more of! If you choose to focus on what is lacking, what you don’t have, or what is painful, you will find more and more of it. In this module, you will create your own flashlights of awareness to see the ways you serve inherently, and those you will serve with your medicine. ALL things exist in the field around us, all we have to do is allow ourselves to see more of what we want.
Your conscious life is your natural and effortless temple service, for yourself and for all that is. Remember, you are a part of all that is. You are a microcosm of everything in existence. How you serve yourself has a direct impact on how you serve others.
AND you may feel even more called to serve others once you are so fully served! Self-Realization leads to the realization that the others that walk this life beside you, are YOU!! Let’s start by blessing us for exactly how we are, then extend a hand to those a bit behind us along the road. None of us got here alone. We are Angels and Guides for another version of us.
“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
― Ramana Maharsh
Join us live October 10, 2020, from 12:00 noon to 1:00 Pacific Time to step into your sacred service by being and perceiving.
Blessing or cursing? Where do you perceive those things that you would Bless and where so you perceive those things that you would Judge? This Energetic Mandala mapping will allow you to love and bless those subjects that cause you pain, in essence, serving the you that is all that is.
How do we step into even more sacred service to others? What have we mastered and what is the medicine we now hold? How do we step out of martyrdom, or know we are not being the “wounded healer.”
Turing on the beacon of service! Owning our inherent VALUE. Seeing the problems we solve and how powerful and important this is. Understanding and Attracting those that we may serve!
Now lets make it real
Creating the infrastructure to support our Sacred Service.
What do you need in place to begin your sacred service on a professional level, or take you service practice to the next level? A new Website, web presence, new services, networking, and how you talk about the way you serve, are all important components to stepping out and up. Here is a simplified model for communicating with the people you are serving, and an action checklist to get it going!