Do you have any physical scars on your body? Ever broke or landed on your tailbone hard? Had your wisdom teeth taken out? At this point we are ensuring that your physical body is completely connected and innervated. Below is a link to an Ebook I created called ReCONNECT and EMBODY. I originally created this book for women with Abdominal scarring, but quickly discovered that this work helps men as well. Though this protocol seems very simple, and while you may feel like this does not apply to you, I highly recommend you take a very thorough inventory of your scar tissue and injuries and test all scars to the abdominal muscles, as described in the book.
After you have competed the scar work, and your conscious belief questioning process, schedule a call with me to do the Discovery process where we will uncover your subconscious beliefs. During this call we will also go over your results with the scar work and review your revelations up to this point.