Seven of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles in Earthy Taurus energy. This is a time of FIXED, slow, grounded movement.
You may be feeling like you have been putting so much effort in to something and its growing so much slower than you wish it would! You know what you want to manifest, or dream and create into your world, you took inspired action, you even made it through the testing of life to see if you really, really wanted to change to this new way, and while you do see some signs of new growth, some little sprouts, you know you have a lot more growing to do before your dream will be fully actualized. The micro steps are all important.
This is the week where you let your creating rest just a moment and take a deep breath, recognizing and taking stock of the signs that your effort is in fact moving the needle. Things have changed since March 20th. I’m sure of it. Incremental progress. We have a tendency to burn out if we keep pushing so hard for progress. This can be debilitating overwhelm if we can’t learn to enjoy a bit and slow down and drink some freaking iced tea and have a soak in some hot springs, or something! You have been working HARD (even if you are being hard on yourself and thinking that you could be doing more, that is just your mind being mean. Seriously, relax. We are all going to get what we truly desire.)
You have a choice: you can be hard on yourself for not having fully developed oranges on the little tree you planted a month and a half ago (damn natural growth cycles!!) or you can be so freaking proud of yourself that you finally planted that tree that you have been wanting for years. I think you get it. Apply this to all areas of your life. You are living a natural life in a natural world where things have natural growth cycles. HONOR THIS. You are perfectly growing and developing on whatever trajectory you have chosen. If you don’t like the way you are seeing this growth, take stock of what got you here and change it up slightly. This life is an experiment. Tweaking bits and looking at the results, effect your outcomes.
I’ll give you a sneak peek into where we are headed : MORE LIFE. (For most of us, that is) so if things are not working the way you like, give your future self a boost and decide what you can change now that will make things feel graceful then. Your present moment body will inform you of what is working and what is not.
So much growth is happening inside, outside, invisibly, visibly. Do not discount any of it based on just one metric of measure.
So much love to you, fellow humans.
Christina Luna