Six of Wands

It seems that there are two major themes happening simultaneously right now: Victory and Defeat. While these seem polarized, they are two sides of the same coin. And they are BOTH happening INSIDE of us. Our personal experience depends on what side of the coin we are looking at. 

This Six of Wands week, the first full week of fixed Fire Leo Energy, is asking us to take stock and to celebrate what we have overcome. We are changing rapidly now. We have been squeezed and twisted and pushed and tempered. It always seems like there is more to do, more to be, more to clear, but what if we just slowed to acknowledge the place we have finally come to. The last four months have grown our passion. We have made some changes and taken some actions with small but measurable results (enough to see where we can tweak the settings a bit.) I am certain you have seen some things in the last couple of months that have changed your mindset (and with Mercury going retrograde tomorrow you’ll have a change to do more of that) and emotionally, we have really matured!!  

Let’s take stock. Lets look at our Victories for a moment (at least!). 

Can you even remember what you where like last March? Get the real picture and celebrate! 

And what have you defeated? What fears? Habits? Beliefs? What is being defeated by this Eclipse energy this week? 

If you are struggling and feeling defeated, what are you learning? About your old ways of operating? Seeing the world? If it seems like it is other people causing this, what do they represent to you? Can you find the victory on the other side, (that is your personal growth)? 

There is so much to celebrate every day. If you are not feeling it, try shifting your focus, just for this week. You can pick up your burden next week if you wish. 

And for those of you in VICTORY, WHOA it’s victorious like it never has been before! This eclipse wave is stripping all of the bullshit right off and it feels SOOOO good! Let it go! 

I am experiencing a freedom, personally, like I have never experienced before! Stepping fully into these cycles, we can use them to the absolute greatest degree!  These are opportunities! waves we can ride! The tide has been intense but we have gotten so strong continually stabilizing between the swells and balancing at the peaks!! Bring on the Tsunami of love! We have been practicing on these crazy waves and are ready for the big one! (I predict it will still be a little while, so continue to condition yourself!) 

So much love to you, Victorious love surfers! 

Christina Luna