
STRENGTHEN ACTIONS: Acting From a place of Consciousness and Integrity

What do you PERCEIVE, feel, believe, value, and Desire?

Now you have become aware of, and can slow the process of Perceiving, Feeling, Believing, and knowing what you truly Value in any given moment, you can ACT and DO from a more conscious place. Conscious action is the place where you will actually anchor your new ideals, beliefs, and dream in to reality and experience an shift in your physical world.

Below Is a short video that covers WHY it is so important to have the foundation of self inquiry that you have developed over these past weeks, and how it all comes together to create our reality. The rest of this series is available for you in the Emotional segment of this module, where you will receive your personal map and blueprint for using your temple consciousness.

As you see, your Biology, Physiology, and Emotional State are incredibly important when creating our reality! Review below the Triad that you practiced in the 4th module. This Audio will bring you through the triad from a different direction and give you more tools for creating the start that truly shifts your perceiving and actions.

In this audio you will learn in more depth, the creation Cycle through our Chakras. even though you have heard this in different ways already, I encourage you to listen to it as may ways as you can to get it into your subconscious. once these principals enter your subconscious you will automatically be aware of this process and integrate the pieces so that you can shift your thinking, focus, inner questions, and actions to align more fully with what you really want.

And yeah again, another version of the same process, with different examples and more visuals. There is also a closed eye journey to help facilitate more practical application of this process in your life.

Christina Luna