Ten of Swords
We have entered into a time of the Mind, Gemini, Air, Swords. When this cycle originally started on March 20, an arrow of fiery passion was released, full of dreams, hopes, goals, and imagined creations. Then we tended to our personal garden, weeded out old patterns of behavior, made new decisions for how to use our bodies, broke down old stuck mud from our psyches and recognized the power we have to materialize. NOW the arrow is reaching its destination. It’s nearing the completion of this cycle, just four weeks left till the next arrow will be shot.
It is time to reckon with the fears of our mind. This time it won't feel so scary. Or it will, but we will do it anyway. We are doing the things that we thought we would never do. We are having the conversations we were worried to have. We are stepping in to vulnerabilities that we previously judged and stayed far away from.
What we are finding is that that scary thing we subconsciously projected onto the worst case scenario movie screen in our mind, is not even close to reality. Instead of this terrible loss we expected, loss of love, or respect, or comfort, or peace, we have GAINED so much!
AUTHENTICITY. Real connection. REAL.
We feared the process would be too hard. That it would be too messy, or too exhausting, or just too uncomfortable, but once we stepped in, we felt ourselves surfing. We caught the wave of grace and rode it to the most beauty we never knew was there.
SUSTAINABILITY. Receiving and giving. Help and guidance. GRACE.
We were also a bit convinced that even if we did face the fears and try, that the results would be less than Amazing. We would prove that avoiding said activity was for a good reason. And we would be wildly broken hearted that this thing we secretly value and hold so dear, would really be just a fantasy. But we are realizing that this is, in fact, the real delusion. Our fear has been unfounded.
The passion you have inside you, the inspiration, that tiny twinkle even that you tried to fade and dim- it is not going anywhere. Over the next four weeks we will gain such incredible mastery over our mind’s fearful stories that they will become the beginnings of our most incredible success stories.
Our examples will shine for others who still feel a bit scared. Who did not shoot those arrows, quite yet, but will have another chance soon. This is the end of the mind’s fearful tentative way. We are proving it to ourselves every time we lean a bit more in, and face the intellectual fears that kept us “safe” for so long, but are now just shadows dancing on a screen. Let them fly.
So much love to you all, Courageous humans.
Christina Luna